"Menacing Loon" MN flag redesign sticker

When I designed it, I gave it the very cerebral file name of "Gavia Immer Polaris". When it made it to the Minnesota State Emblems Design Commission, it officially became "F408" for its unceremonious placement as an entry number.
Then the internet took over with nicknames including "ominous loon", "threatening loon", "sinister loon", "terrifying loon" & "obey the loon" before everyone seemingly coalescing around "Menacing Loon".
Though a fan favorite, it didn't do squat with the SERC & even more unceremoniously was weeded out immediately.
I say nuts to that! Show your love for the Menacing Loon with this 3" x 5" full-color UV-coated vinyl sticker. I'm putting one in my car to show the Commission they can stick it where the sun don't shine- in the underground parking garage!
Suitable for outdoor use & the company that printed them says they'll last 3-5 years out in the elements. Well damn, that's a pretty good amount of time for a paltry 3 bucks! That's like a small no-frills coffee with nuthin' in it.
Let's see if we can't keep shipping super cheap on these, where I can just put them in an envelope with a good, old-fashioned stamp & not have to gum up the works with a bunch of tracking. I mean, it's a sticker so it's not like a high-value item that's whereabouts need to be known at every point along the journey. We'll see how it goes like that & if there's a bunch of problems, we'll need to go back to fully-tracked mail.
(If you're looking to buy an actual flag, please check out FlagForGood.com & pick one up there. They currently have them in 3'x 5' size & run $25+s&h)