“Honda” Black Cat Halloween Door Decoration

“Honda” black cat Halloween decoration
Cut out semi-flexible plastic
Approximately 22.5” x 38” (about .2" thick, like about the same as a pizza box.)
Just in time for delighting trick-or-treaters with weirdo contemporary art.
Growing up, I loved those “plastic popcorn” decorations manufactured by the Kage Company & luckily, they were already inexpensive in their heyday during the 1960s & 70s & even cheaper once they started falling out of favor & hitting yard sales & thrift stores in the 80s & I made sure my family had enough designs on the front door to cover all the holidays.
I liked them so much, that I decided to try to take a whack at making my own version of them. The trouble was finding a substitute for the brightly colored shredded plastic that Kage made in their plant. I thought Perler Beads would work pretty well, since they’re designed to be melted together. The real trick would be to chop them down to irregular shapes to mimic the original decorations & I’d need a lot of it.
On a completely unrelated side note, do you know a great way to ruin an Oster food processor quickly? Well I do & it’s filling it will Perler Beads.
Yeah, that’s a live & learn moment & after those fine results, I cut up the rest by hand & what was planned as a full series, turned out to be a one-off. I might revisit the idea one day, but not with Perler Beads again.
On top of that, I designed it all goofy too, so that it’ll need to be tacked in 2-3 places with how wide it is & that long-ass tail that towers over the rest of it. On the plus side, it’s made entirely out of plastic, so it should be around long after we’re all dead in the ground. Yeah, let’s leave it on a really uplifting thought.